
Agnus Dei (2020)

19,7x27,6 in ~ Pintura, Acrílico

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“Agnus Dei” (Templar’s symbole): acrylic paint, paper, sand, gesso on 3D canvas, using Fibonacci system

Primarily found in England and parts of France, the Lamb of God (or Agnus Dei) was used on seals.The Agnus Dei is often depicted as a haloed lamb cocking its leg so as to hold either a cross or flag, in this case the “Beauceant”, the standard of the Knights Templar (still used by the Masonic Knights Templar). The Beauceant consisted of a black section above a white one.
To symbolize duality through the colors of black and white is quite ancient as most cultures see white and black as symbolic of good and evil. It has also been used as a comparison between the physical and spiritual world, male and female, and the sky and the earth.
The Agnus Dei is symbolic of the martyred Christ and which is referenced in the 29th Verse of the First Chapter of the Book of John wherein it is written "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." In Masonry we are reminded that the lamb has long been an emblem of innocence.

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