
The end and the beginning (2019)

11,8x11,8 in ~ Pintura, Acrílico

693,69 US$ Entrega a Estados Unidos incluida
Compra en Artmajeur

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“The beginning and the end”, acrylic painting on canvas 30/30/5 cm, with palette knife 14.01.2018
Different symbols from ancient Dacian pottery representing “the beginning and the end”, the yin and yang... and of course, svastika is not missing.
The principle of complementarity - feminine masculinity, coincidence of opposites, sexual and cosmological principles abounding in all prehistoric human communities, from the Paleolithic (bour, bizon - woman) to the Neolithic (symbolism of the "Beginning and End"),explain the mystery of the creation of the world and its periodical regeneration.

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